Podcast: Agriculture marketing practitioners, with Sarah Kutz Senior Manager of Digital Marketing of Paid Media at Filament

Welcome to this episode of Agriculture Advertising Podcast where we sit down with Sarah Kutz, the Senior Manager of Digital Marketing of Paid Media at Filament, a dynamic team of passionate individuals in the agriculture realm.Visit: https://www.filamentag.com/

Episode Summary:

1. Team Dynamics: 
*We explore the diverse personalities at Filament, from ag-enthusiasts to storytellers. Sarah shares which role resonates with her and why, giving listeners a glimpse into the team’s collective passion.

2. Filament’s Journey and Sarah’s Marketing Love Story:
*Sarah narrates Filament’s story, highlighting their diverse AG portfolio and key client results. She opens up about her personal journey into marketing, the driving forces behind Filament’s success, and what makes her a marketing guru.

3. PR vs. Advertising in Agriculture Marketing:
*Sarah dissects the distinctions between PR and advertising, exploring how paid storytelling fits into a comprehensive media plan, providing insights into effective strategies.

4. Tailoring Tactics for Different Species:
*We explore the nuanced tactics in agriculture marketing specific to different species. Sarah shares examples of how approaches vary and the importance of customization for success.

5. Effective Practices and Areas for Refinement:
*Sarah identifies two practices in agriculture marketing that are working effectively and two areas that may require refinement based on her experiences with clients.

6. Ag-Tech Trends Impacting Marketing:
*Sarah anticipates and discusses upcoming Ag-Tech trends that will influence the evolution of agriculture marketing strategies.

7. Efficiency in Ag Marketing: 
*Sarah provides valuable insights into maximizing marketing plans and opportunities in the agriculture space, sharing practical tips for efficiency and impact.

Join us for an insightful conversation with Sarah Kutz as we unravel the dynamics of agriculture marketing and the evolving landscape in the digital era.

About our guest

Email: skutz@filamentag.com

Give Sarah a spreadsheet and she can conquer any task. Variety is the spice of life, and that holds true for Sarah. From coordinating with vendors, designers and industry contacts to copyediting and budgets, Sarah does it all. She’s also an avid learner and won’t shy away from research.

Sarah’s agriculture heritage runs deep. Her family has been farming the same land for more than 150 years. Sarah knows agriculture touches almost everything. Growing up on her family’s dairy farm, Sarah’s dad would challenge her to name random objects, and he would always find a way to connect them to agriculture.

To say Sarah’s a Badger fan is an understatement. As a graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Sarah cheers on the football and basketball teams at almost every game. Varsity and Jump Around are her go-to jams.
