Podcast: Digital Agri-Marketing trends with Shannon Hughes, Director of Digital Media at Lessing-Flynn
Episode Summary:
-Shannon discusses her career journey and the incredible story and longevity at Lessing-Flynn
-Shannon answers what Agri-Marketing means to her
-Shannon discusses trends she is seeing in the industry, what is working and not working, along with something we need to try but may be afraid of.
-Shannon discusses why she chose Ag Marketing and what makes Ag different from other industries
-We learn Shannon’s marketing style
-We learn more keys to what makes Lessing-Flynn different
-We discuss about overreacting and under-reacting to success or failure in marketing
-Shannon wraps on a stand out idea or plan she has executed
About our guest
Over the past decade, Shannon has built a rock-solid foundation in ag and construction marketing. When she joined Lessing-Flynn eight years ago, she developed their media department from the ground up. Now, as the director of digital media and strategy, she grows and supports the agency’s media, digital and social efforts. Shannon and her digital and media communications team optimize clients’ investment values by converting their traditional media plans into highly targeted digital strategies across all platforms — and with outstanding measurable results. The team is also responsible for all digital offerings, social content and channel growth strategies.
Shannon holds marketing and advertising degrees from Iowa State University from the College of Business and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, respectively.
Visit the Lessing-Flynn Website: https://www.lessingflynn.com/
Founded in 1907, Lessing-Flynn is the longest-standing independently owned advertising agency in America (according to our research) and a Top Workplace in Iowa four years running (according to The Des Moines Register). Our agency helps clients solve complex brand and marketing challenges, producing award-winning work across a variety of industries, including agriculture, animal health and nutrition, construction, financial, healthcare, higher education, manufacturing and technology.